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Taking Humor Seriously

I can finally understand what people see when they watch me develop!

Ever wonder what goes into making a joke that lasts just a few seconds? Spoiler: it's a lifetime of experiences.

When a comedian delivers a joke, it often only takes a few moments. There's a short story that leads the audience in one direction, a conflict, and an unexpected ending. The whole affair only takes a minute or so, and then they're off to another joke.

The best comedians refine their craft off-stage, spending countless hours writing, editing, and ruminating over their material. A rare few can improvise and come up with lines on demand, but even those took a lifetime of experiences to refine their craft and read the room.

How I Made my Joke

My joke video lasts 19 seconds, you'll hopefully laugh for 3, and if the news spreads, maybe 1,000 people will laugh, and we'll have delivered 3,000 seconds of laughter.

But this joke didn't take 19 seconds to create. It took a lifetime:

  1. Survive childhood
  2. Learn to code
  3. Learn Vim
  4. Watch movies
  5. Learn AI
  6. Keep up with AI news, triggering a funny idea
  7. Find Bruce Almighty clip
  8. Create video by recalling everything I've learned up until this point
  9. Write article to share my experience
  10. Post on LinkedIn

When an expert is at the mic, they make it seem effortless. Jerry Seinfeld's standup. Roger Federer's backhand. Scott's Vim jokes.

So next time you see a seemingly effortless performance, remember the countless hours, the dedication, and the lifetime of experiences that made it possible. It's a testament to the power of persistence and the beauty of honing one's craft.

What’s something in your life that seems effortless now but took years of hard work to master? Share your story in the comments—I’d love to hear about your journey and the skills you’ve refined over time.
