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How to Generate a Wordy Password


grep -E '^[a-z]{3,}$' /usr/share/dict/words | shuf -n4 | paste -sd- -


It is 2023 and passwords are still a thing. They are hard to remember and easy to crack. Many sites talk about using words instead of letters, numbers and symbols:

Most of them were inspired by this comic:


We recently needed to generate hard to guess, but recognizable URLs to share some data analysis with clients. We also planned to speak the URLs to our clients via video conferencing. GUIDs (Globally Unique Identifiers) are nearly impossible to comprehend and speak accurately: f95b9390f8fe5d7a6aecd9d563b5f8a5 and b987370e-6906-498b-a5d4-84c1c92c6e64, so Wordy Passwords™ (TM cause you heard it here first!) came to mind to meet all the requirements.

There are sites that can generate these things which we could scrape as needed, but we thought there's got to be a simpler way.

Simpler Way

If you're on Mac or Linux, the simpler way is already in your terminal.

grep -E '^[a-z]{3,}$' /usr/share/dict/words | shuf -n4 | paste -sd- -

Let's explain:

  • /usr/share/dict/words is a file with a list of all English words, about 100k of them.
  • grep -E '^[a-z]{3,}$' /usr/share/dict/words filters for lowercase words with 3 or more letters.
  • shuf -n4 picks 4 random entries from the filtered list. Change 4 to whatever is needed for your use case.
  • paste -sd- - joins all the lines with - symbol. This can also be changed to -sd ' ' for spaces or -sd ',' for commas, etc. Note, the last - tells the command to read from /dev/stdin and is necessary on Mac.

Use man grep, man shuf, or man paste to get additional details about each command.

Example Output:

  • mentions-grouses-datelines-mouses
  • cellulite-sukiyaki-ardner-rusted
  • naturalness-indicate-dependent-beset
  • irony-excursion-flashily-crawl

We can then use these in our data generation URLs to get something like:


In case /usr/share/dict/words doesn't exist, try installing with apt install wamerican. To pick another language try apt search wordlist which will return a bunch of other options for specific languages.

Windows PC

If you're in Windows, we'd recommend using WSL. This will provide access to a Linux shell which has all the aforementioned commands.

If you're not sure where to type in these fancy commands, try searching for "learn linux terminal". We'll eventually post additional articles regarding our love for the terminal and why commands like these keep us in it.

Alternative Word List

We experimented with other word lists. doyle.txt contains words extracted from books featuring Sherlock Holmes. Source code for how the word list was built is located at .

Feel free to search the Internet for other word lists.


The terminal is a magical place where mountains of code can be replaced with a few razor sharp commands. shuf and paste can make short work of many tasks. Let us know what you come up with in the comments below!
