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Making a Window Submode in Vim

Header Image I found a plugin that is changing my Vim-tire life! This plugin is so awesome it should be built into default Vim. What does the plugin do? It enables the creation of new submodes. Why would a person want more modes?!? Isn't dealing with modes the main deterrent for new Vim users? Isn't Normal, Insert, Command-line, Visual, Select, and Operator-pending enough? (Did I miss one?) Let's try out a new submode and see what happens.


Window commands are prefixed with <C-w>. Want to create a horizontal split? Try <C-w>s, didn't mean to do that and want to do vertical split? <C-w>q<C-w>v. Want to resize the vertical split 50<C-w>>? Too wide? Narrow it with 5<C-w><. Move back to the other window? <C-w>p or <C-w>w.

Are your fingers getting tired? After I get the windows just right using default mappings my fingers are crying for mercy.

Here's a short list of common default window commands:

" Change window focus
{n}<C-w>h   move cursor left  {n} window
{n}<C-w>l   move cursor right {n} window
{n}<C-w>j   move cursor down  {n} window
{n}<C-w>k   move cursor up    {n} window

" Move window
<C-w>H   move window far left
<C-w>L   move window far right
<C-w>J   move window far bottom
<C-w>K   move window far top

" Change size
{n}<C-w>+  increase height by {n} rows
{n}<C-w>-  decrease height by {n} rows
{n}<C-w><  decrease width by {n} columns
{n}<C-w>>  increase width by {n} columns
   <C-w>|  maximize width
   <C-w>_  maximize height
   <C-w>=  equalize sizes

For a comprehensive list of window commands try :help windows.txt.

Solution A

The most common solution to window-command-itis is to map other keys to these common actions so to include the <C-w> prefix.

From spf13-vim:

map <C-J> <C-W>j<C-W>_
map <C-K> <C-W>k<C-W>_
map <C-L> <C-W>l<C-W>_
map <C-H> <C-W>h<C-W>_
" Note: They go one extra by maximizing the height after entering the split.

From Thoughbot:

nnoremap <C-J> <C-W><C-J>
nnoremap <C-K> <C-W><C-K>
nnoremap <C-L> <C-W><C-L>
nnoremap <C-H> <C-W><C-H>

This has been the accepted solution for most, but it takes away so many convenient keys. And in some cases, it even overrides default behaviour. <C-L>, I miss you. C-H, isn't that also <BS>? Guess I won't be using you either.

Solution B - Submode to the Rescue

This entire solution depends on kana/vim-submode, I consider it one of Japan's national treasures along with ninjas and ramen. Unfortunately, Kana's example use of submodes is a little underwhelming: undo/redo using g- and g+. I agree with the author that using g- and g+ is not convenient, and using g++++-++-+ is easier, but the solution for that was simply u and <C-R>. I feel a better application for a new submode is window management. Imagine if resizing a split was <C-w>++++++++ or <C-w>------=->>>>>>>><> or changing cursor location was <C-w>hjlll or moving was <C-w>HjKLkjh. Imagine no more!

First, install the plugin. If you're not sure how to install a plugin, try junegunn/vim-plug. Next, add the following to your $MYVIMRC.

" A message will appear in the message line when you're in a submode
" and stay there until the mode has existed.
let g:submode_always_show_submode = 1

" We're taking over the default <C-w> setting. Don't worry we'll do
" our best to put back the default functionality.
call submode#enter_with('window', 'n', '', '<C-w>')

" Note: <C-c> will also get you out to the mode without this mapping.
" Note: <C-[> also behaves as <ESC>
call submode#leave_with('window', 'n', '', '<ESC>')

" Go through every letter
for key in ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m',
\           'n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z']
  " maps lowercase, uppercase and <C-key>
  call submode#map('window', 'n', '', key, '<C-w>' . key)
  call submode#map('window', 'n', '', toupper(key), '<C-w>' . toupper(key))
  call submode#map('window', 'n', '', '<C-' . key . '>', '<C-w>' . '<C-'.key . '>')
" Go through symbols. Sadly, '|', not supported in submode plugin.
for key in ['=','_','+','-','<','>']
  call submode#map('window', 'n', '', key, '<C-w>' . key)

" Old way, just in case.
nnoremap <Leader>w <C-w>

After :source $MYVIMRC, you'll have a glorious new submode in Vim. You can see I named it window mode. Can you guess how to get into window mode? <C-w>, the normal prefix used to do any wincmd. If this is too drastic, feel free to change line #7 to something else. Just replace <C-w> with a different normal mapping.

Let's give it a test drive. window mode in action I know you can't see what keys I'm pressing, but I guarantee I only pressed <C-w> once. I also didn't have to remember any new key bindings. The hesitation in the demo is the resistance to hitting <C-w> every time, which I'll get over soon enough.

Bonus Mappings

But wait there's more! In case I haven't provided enough tips for one post, here's the overrides I have in $MYVIMRC to make windowing even better.

" I don't like <C-w>q, <C-w>c won't exit Vim when it's the last window.
call submode#map('window', 'n', '', 'q', '<C-w>c')
call submode#map('window', 'n', '', '<C-q>', '<C-w>c')

" <lowercase-pipe> sets the width to 80 columns, pipe (<S-\>) by default
" maximizes the width.
call submode#map('window', 'n', '', '\', ':vertical resize 80<CR>')

" Resize faster
call submode#map('window', 'n', '', '+', '3<C-w>+')
call submode#map('window', 'n', '', '-', '3<C-w>-')
call submode#map('window', 'n', '', '<', '10<C-w><')
call submode#map('window', 'n', '', '>', '10<C-w>>')

Rainbows without Unicorns

While learning this new way of windowing, there have been a few negatives:

  1. I forget that I'm in window mode and get disoriented when I think I'm moving the cursor within a buffer, but it jumps around to other splits.

  2. For one off window commands, I have to hit an extra key to get out of window mode or wait for the timeout.

  3. When I use some one else's computer, I'm useless.

I think most of these annoyances will go away with time, and the benefits overtime in keystroke savings are non-trivial. As for #3, regardless of submodes, the brain freeze will never go away, because no one thinks as strangely as me, and that's a Good Thing™.


Shout-out to Kana Natsuno, @kana1,, . None of this awesomeness would be possible without . She makes some totally sweet plug-ins. Check out her stuff. You won't regret it!

Let me know what you think. Am I crazy? What other things deserve a submode? Hit me up in the comments below! Thanks for reading!
